
Here are some more pics and videos of our lovable Buchi. Enjoy!

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Originally posted on Color My World :
My wife and I had a recent Anniversary respite at the plush Pearl Farm Resort in Samal Island fronting…


The greatest take-away from the resumption of the games is no longer about basketball. Its meaning, its very significance has transcended the game itself. The NBA has demonstrated it is capable of becoming bigger than basketball. More than the entertainment value it provides, the Restart offers a venue to promote safety protocols amid this pandemic. It provides a vehicle to promote social reforms. It provides an inspiration to the world, that by standing together, we can overcome all adversities.

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Scrimmage days have finally started, and everything and everyone is looking good. It’s been a harrowing 4 months for those among us who live and

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It’s “All systems go” as teams started to arrive for the NBA Season Restart in Orlando, Florida last July 7. Twenty two teams were given

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My grandson Buchi is growing up so fast. Only a few months back, last February to be exact, my high school classmates and I saw


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